LLC Prayer Requests

Below you will find a list of the ongoing prayer needs at LLC.  Please keep these requests in your prayers.  If you would like to add a request to the list, please email your request  


  • Michele Wolfe (Tim Merrell's sister) - Friends son, Nathan 10 yrs old, has passed away.  Please continue to pray for the family.
  • Please pray for Connie Madden's brother Jim Erb.  He is facing a 2nd battle with non-hodgkins lymphoma.  Pray also for his family.
  • Ramona Davis - For preparations and leading of a Bible Study in her community.  Current topic: Miracles - Old Testament, New Testament.
  • Larry, Mindy, Ben and Annie as they continue to serve him faithfully.
  • Pray for our church plater Tim Merrell and his family.

  • God has called!!! We have installed our new pastor!!! Praise Him!
  • God's faithfulness.
  • The never-ending love and mercy of Jesus.
  • Our sweet church family and they way they love on one another.
  • God' Provision and sovereignty.
  • Our visitors and guests.
  • Our youth, children and preschoolers learning and growing in Jesus.
  • Those in our church sharing their faith with others and the growing influence of our church body.
  • Salvations, baptisms and new family members in Christ!
  • Wonderful stories of those who are growing deeper in their walk with Christ.